Free PDF BookColeridge and Wordsworth The Poetry of Growth

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Download Ebook Coleridge and Wordsworth The Poetry of Growth

Download Ebook Coleridge and Wordsworth The Poetry of Growth

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Book Details :
Published on: 1980-04-30
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Original language: English
Download Ebook Coleridge and Wordsworth The Poetry of Growth

Originally published in 1980, this is a study of the 'romanticism' of Coleridge and Wordsworth. Their concern with creativity, and the conditions that helped or hindered their own artistic development, produced a new concept of mental growth - a 'modern' view of the mind as organic, active, and unifying. In particular, we see how their aesthetics evolved from a personal and intuitional need to reaffirm 'value' in their own lives. Their discovery of the fundamental ambiguity of such intuition is discussed in relation to some ideas of Empson, Gombrich, and Ehrenzweig. As well as an essay in criticism, this is a contribution to the history of ideas, drawing together points in the background of philosophical and psychological theory from Hartley and Wesley to John Stuart Mill. Since many of our ideas about imagination, symbolism, and creativity are ultimately derived from Coleridge and Wordsworth, this is a book for students of romantic and modern literature. William Wordsworth Poetry Foundation FURTHER READINGS ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bibliographies: Thomas J. Wise A Bibliography of the Writings in Prose and Verse of William Wordsworth (London: Printed for private ... Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Contrast to William Wordsworth ... Samuel Taylor Coleridge is often discussed in association with his peer William Wordsworth. This is due in part to their friendship and joint ventures on works such ... William Wordsworth - Wikipedia The second of five children born to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 in Wordsworth House in Cockermouth Cumberland part ... William Wordsworth Biography - life childhood death ... William Wordsworth was an early leader of romanticism (a literary movement that celebrated nature and concentrated on human emotions) in English poetry and ... William Wordsworth - Introduction & Biography "William Wordsworth: Biography" by Prof. Glenn Everett. Also "William Wordsworth" essays on Wordsworth's writing technique themes ... The Prelude - Wikipedia The Prelude or Growth of a Poet's Mind; An Autobiographical Poem is an autobiographical poem in blank verse by the English poet William Wordsworth. Intended as the ... English Poetry Famous English Poems English Poetry Famous English Poems. English Poetry. The best and most popular famous English Poetry of All-Time written by English poets. William Wordsworth Biography - Childhood Life ... William Wordsworth was an English poet. Read this brief biography to find more on his life. Wordsworth William. 1888. Complete Poetical Works. THE PRELUDE BOOK SIXTH CAMBRIDGE AND THE ALPS THE leaves were fading when to Esthwaite's banks And the simplicities of cottage life I bade farewell; and ... William Wordsworth - Poet Academy of American Poets William Wordsworth - Poet - William Wordsworth who rallied for "common speech" within poems and argued against the poetic biases of the period wrote some of the ...
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